Benjamin Eilts is an expert in the field of cleaning and hygiene technology. He first studied nutrition technology and hygiene technology with a focus on hygiene technology services and later earned his doctorate at the University of Ulm. Initially, he worked in the free enterprise economy in the field of product development and application technology in Germany and abroad. His main areas of expertise are cleaning, food hygiene, textile hygiene and disinfection.
He likes to accept the tasks and requirements he encounters daily in the field of cleaning technology, integrative hygiene, standardization and standardization as a challenge and develops, among other things, approaches to solutions in the field of cleaning and hygiene technology. Therefore, he founded together with Maren Eggers, InFluenc_H – Institute for integrative hygiene and virology, as an independent platform for the evaluation of the quality of cleaning and hygiene services.
Maren Eggers has been working for many years on current issues in viral hygiene as well as on the standardization of test methods, on which she also lectures and publishes. The new national and European guidelines for virus-effective disinfectant testing were successfully established by her and are now used to test the effectiveness of disinfectants. She studied in Marburg and received her doctorate in virus immunology in Ulm and Heidelberg and her habilitation in clinical virology at the Ruprechts Karls University in Heidelberg.
Since 2002, she has been a lecturer at the University of Heidelberg, among others, and is active in various committees and commissions in the field of disinfection. During her standardization work, she met Professor Benjamin Eilts. Together they became enthusiastic about the idea of enabling consumers to better and more easily classify the hygiene performance of products.